General information
The provider of this webpage ( is
Barbara Backhaus
Kreative Lösungswege Bern GmbH
Seilerstrasse 23
CH-3011 Bern
Telephone: +41 79 432 09 29
CHE-183.878.822 MWST
The authorised representative of Kreative Lösungswege Bern GmbH is Barbara Backhaus.
Place of jurisdiction: Bern BE
Responsible for the content: Barbara Backhaus
As a content provider, Kreative Lösungswege Bern GmbH is responsible for its ‘own content’, which it makes available for use, in accordance with general legislation, and this own content is to be distinguished from cross-references (‘links’) to content provided by other providers. Through the cross-reference, kKreative Lösungswege Bern GmbH makes ‘third-party content’ available for use, which is labelled in this way: Link Kreative Lösungswege Bern GmbH is not responsible for this third-party content. Links’ are always “living” (dynamic) references. Kreative Lösungswege Bern GmbH has checked the third-party content when the link was first created to determine whether it could give rise to civil or criminal liability. However, Kreative Lösungswege Bern GmbH does not constantly check the content to which it refers in its website for changes that could give rise to new liability. If Kreative Lösungswege Bern GmbH establishes or is informed by others that a specific offer to which it has provided a link gives rise to civil or criminal liability, Kreative Lösungswege Bern GmbH will remove the link to this offer.